ECOO Guidelines for optometric and optical services in Europe

The European Council of Optometry and Optics (ECOO) has developed Guidelines for optometric and optical services in Europe to establish consistent guidance on the quality of service provision that the public should expect when accessing eye care services.

European legislation increasingly reflects the need to facilitate the movement of healthcare professionals to different countries within Europe. This and other legislation requires a good understanding of what services are delivered within primary eye care.

The Guidelines, to which a number of ECOO representatives from across several countries have contributed, set out the expected quality of eye care service provision in Europe for the general public. It offers a comprehensive overview of the aspects that quality optometric and optical services entail as well as clear explanations to provide guidance to professionals across Europe.

Certain aspects of optometric and optical eye care service delivery may be encompassed by national regulations and existing national standards, and it is recognised that the guidelines may not reflect national legislative requirements in member countries. However, while national regulations will take precedence over any guidance, the guidelines should provide direction regarding the quality of service provision for eye care services. They also complement the World Council of Optometry statement on a global model for optometry.

View the ECOO Guidelines for optometric and optical services in Europe

PRESS RELEASE – ECOO publishes professional Guidelines for optometric and optical services in Europe (pdf)